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Dental Crowns and Bridges

Do you find yourself covering your mouth or maybe even holding back from smiling because you don’t feel comfortable in the overall look of your teeth? Have you ever wondered what could be done to transform your smile?  

Dental Crowns. What are they?

A crown is a cap, commonly made from porcelain or ceramic, which is used to rebuild and strengthen a weak or broken tooth. Crowns can also be used to improve your smile by changing the shape and colour of your existing teeth. Crowns are commonly used to replace a piece of tooth that has chipped off, recreating the aesthetics of a complete tooth.

What is the procedure to place a dental crown?

All decayed and weak areas of a damaged tooth are removed and your dentist takes an impression of the tooth. This impression is sent to the laboratory for the technician to form a model of your tooth, and then it is returned to the dental practice. In the meantime, a temporary crown will be cemented onto your tooth to protect it. On the next visit, your new crown will be bonded into position and will be ready to use straight away.

Having a crown fitted can significantly improve the aesthetic appearance of your teeth. With a Maven Dental Group crown fitted, you will be able to smile with confidence, content in the knowledge that no-one will be able to tell that your teeth were ever anything less than perfect.

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Dental Bridge. What are they?

A bridge is a solution for a missing tooth or teeth. Dental bridges ‘bridge’ the gap created by one or more missing teeth. The crown replacing the missing tooth is joined to crowns made to fit over the neighbouring teeth. In this way, the bridge, made up of three crowns, is supported by the teeth either side of the gap. Sometimes more than one missing tooth can be replaced in this way.

How do i know if I need a bridge?

If you have one or more missing teeth a bridge may be the solution for you. Bridges are important for both functionality and cosmetic reasons, as a missing tooth can affect how you chew and basic oral function, as well as cause you to feel self-conscious about smiling, laughing and talking. In this way, having a bridge fitted is a simple and effective way to address both issues helping you to feel better about your oral health in general. A bridge is also a less invasive and more cost-effective way to fill a gap compared to an implant, however is not expected to have the same durability.

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