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Preventative Dentistry

The concept behind Preventative Consultations is two-fold.

  • Firstly we can identify disease and instigate treatment or prevention.

  • Secondly, we can identify the risk of diseases occurring and implement strategies to remove or manage said risk.

These strategies can incorporate diet reviews, counselling-inquiry, assessing disease knowledge, implementing preventive measures and assessing lifestyle habits that impact your oral and systemic health.


Risk management and identification will go through several stages throughout your life and will require different strategies at different stages. If the disease is found and treatment is necessary however, the earlier treatment commences the more effective it will be.


We offer professional cleans and examinations in all preventative consultations.


In the beginning, the infection develops along the gum line. If left untreated it may progress beneath the skin to further damage the gums, teeth and bone.


Signs such as bleeding, receding, swollen, red or tender gums, persistent bad breath, sensitive or loose teeth or obvious plaque can all be signs of gum disease.


If it is found that you do have gum disease you are not alone; up to 80% of the general population experience some form of gum disease at one time or another.

Research shows that periodontal disease may be one of the most prevalent diseases known to human kind. Therefore it is important to ensure gum disease is treated early.

Learn more about Preventative Dentistry
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